Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Women in Politics: Interesting links to articles/discussion
Take our girls to vote (Equal Voice)
Take our girls to vote article in Toronto Star
Women are front and centre in U.S. politics, unlike here
Don't Mess with Elizabeth May
Womens votes Up for Grabs
When we talk about the Glass Ceiling
Palin Sexism Watch
Pakistan president calls Palin "gorgeous"
Women Against Sarah Palin
SNL Palin-Clinton skit
Paglia on Palin
Palin is Rosie the Riviter?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Women in Politics," First FRG Meeting of 08-09
The Feminist Reading Group invites all interested participants to join us for our first meeting of the term on Wednesday, October 8th, from 1:00-3:00 pm in UC 274: “Women in Politics.” Scheduled on the heels of Canada’s English-language Federal Election debate, as well as the U.S. Vice-Presidential debate (October 2nd), this meeting will provide us with a forum for discussing women in politics (more broadly), but will take a special interest in the phenomenon of Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin (more specifically). Discussions may be preliminarily concerned with how Palin’s candidacy has been framed in terms of identity politics, or how it has by turns engaged, re-ignited, or ignored historical and ongoing feminist debates.
No formal preparation for this meeting is required, as we will provide select material from news and media sources at the meeting itself. If anyone has material that they would like to contribute for discussion (including online sources), please feel free to send it along ahead of time. All are welcome!
For more information on the Feminist Reading Group, please visit: